Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize
of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14

Forgetting ills behind me, the sorrows past and gone,
Forgetting all my wanderings, too sad to dwell upon,
Remembering God’s great goodness, in times of stress and strain,
Remembering His restorings, I praise my God again.
Forgetting all my doubtings, which dimmed faith’s vision bright,
Forgetting all the earth-clouds, the darkness, gloom and night,
Remembering God’s bright sunshine, and radiance of His face,
Remembering His long patience, I praise my God for grace.
Forgetting all unkindness which friends and foes have shown,
Forgetting and forgiving the wrongs that I have known,
Remembering God provided, unsought, each faithful friend,
Remembering love’s devotion, I’ll praise Him to the end.
Forgetting my repinings when disappointments came,
Forgetting all the murmurings which filled my soul with shame,
Remembering God was ever true to His Holy Word,
Remembering He was faithful, I praise my sovereign Lord.
Author Unknown

Here we are at the beginning of another year.
It may be filled with blessings or problems.
What a precious promise we have from our Heavenly Father
that He knows what is ahead and
He will be there with us through it all.
What could be more wonderful than to know that the
God who sent His Son to earth to die for our sins
so that we would be able to live with Him forever,
also loves us enough to be right at our side
through every trial and problem we face.
In a world of uncertainty Jesus is the only solid foundation
upon which we can build and live our life.
So as the New Year begins,
let us forget the problems and sadness of the past and with Paul
look forward to what God is going to do for us in the coming year.
We can face life without fear if we place our future in His hands
and remember that He has never failed us in the past.
Forget the past with all its problems and sadness and
remember that God has never failed us in the past
and we can trust Him with our future
because He is already there.
because He is already there.

And thou shalt remember all the way
which the LORD thy God led thee...
Deuteronomy 8:2
Happy New Year
to all !