Friday, August 22, 2014

He Is Faithful

My mind took a vacation last week when it came time to post something on my blog.  I don’t suppose it has anything to do with age since I celebrated my 74th birthday today. 

But I still find the Lord faithful after all these years.  There is no way I could ever tell even a small part of everything He has done for me.  He is so precious.  I love Him more every day.

I like this acrostic about Jesus:

J.E.S.U.S. C.H.R.I.S.T.

  esus, Son of God Eternal
  verlasting Lord is He,
  avior of a world of sinners,
  niversal King to be,
  ought us, brought us victory.

  C hrist is due all adoration,
  H umbly born to save our race,
  R uler of the whole creation
  I ntercedes and gives us grace,
  S aves us from sin's condemnation,
  T ruly worthy of all praise!

-- Author Unknown

One of my new cards:

Have a wonderful week.

Silhouette graphic from


  1. Happy belated birthday to you!!
    Praise the Lord!
    I love this post! The acrostic is beautiful as is your lovely .
    Blessings to you, Debbie

    1. I appreciate your comments and support. Bless you.

  2. AMEN!!to that acrostic ..... what a beauty. ... so true we are so blessed in our Saviour. Many happy returns of the day too, dear sister in the Lord. I love your cards. Shaz in Oz x

    1. You always have a sweet word to say to encourage me. Thanks so much. You are a blessing!

  3. The acrostic is simply wonderful, dear Mehrll! I am so thankful for such a wonderful loving Savior.

    Your card is also beautiful! Have a blessed week. Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks you so much for your sweet comments and I enjoy your blogs very much
