Saturday, November 21, 2015

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


  1. Oh, we have so much to praise our precious Lord for. Thank you, my friend, for this beautiful post. I hope you have a most blessed Thanksgiving.

    Love and hugs to you!

    1. Thank you for faithfully following and commenting on my blog. You are such a blessing. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

  2. Ah what a beautiful thing to give forth praise wiht each and every breath we take we should be thankful ...

    ....for truly God is very good and His mercy endureth forever...
    Thank you LORD most of all for the precious gift for salvation in your Son. I love you LORD!
    Shaz in Oz.x

    1. Love you sis, too and thank God for you ...
      You're a dear and precious friend, I thank the LORD that He brought us together through cyberspace and also at the marvellous throne of grace.
      Hugs, Shaz,X

    2. Thank you for your comments and for your friendship. You have been such a blessing along the way. I am learning to be thankful even for the tough places in life because as the song says, "Thank you for the valley I passed through today, The darker the valley, the more I learned to pray." And it is true that we might stray if He didn't sent problems that makes us run to Him for strength. I do not know if you will be celebrating Thanksgiving as we do, but have a wonderful week! Thanks be to God for the gift of YOU!

  3. Dearest Mehrll~~ It is so good to be able to come and visit with you again, always a pleasure.
    Your Thanksgiving images are quite beautiful.

    I want to thank you for your latest visit and precious comment. I always enjoy seeing your i con pop up in my in box. Your visits bless my heart, dear friend.
    It is good to be back at my blog and I look forward to more visits with you.

    Have a blessed day~~ Debbie

  4. I love this hymn and stopping by your blog today made it sing out in my mind with a lot of happy memories!,
    Thank you!
